I ditched the 911, and the Passat, and was living a car-lite life down here in Raleigh, NC. Things are swell. Fixed up some of my neglected bikes, got a mid-level modern mountain bike (which still blows my mind with its right-now brakes) and enjoyed no car payments and the like.
Unfortunately I returned to Wisconsin for a bit, which is akin to a recovered addict hanging out with his old junkie friends (fiends?). Hearing about everyone's new toys, being back in the land of actual country roads (not the maniac-infested, congested rural highways here in the Triangle) made me want something motorized again. I had taken the MSF basic rider course back in March, and passed, and promptly got my motorcycle endorsement on my minty fresh NC driver's license. The time wasn't right, so I didn't get a bike right away.
Well, now I have one. I'll just say the trade from 320bhp to 78bhp could not have been more fun. Despite being reviewed in the mags as soft, dull, and old-tech, my bike is faster than anything I've owned. I like to translate soft as comfortable, dull as in it-doesn't-want-to-kill-me, and old-tech as bulletproof and reliable.